Tangent's Shared Notes

Tangent's Shared Notes

Assume that nothing here is perfectly up to date or complete. While I may publish finished works here, the primary point of using this service for me is to be able to quickly and easily share things regardless of their stage of development. Things have been loosely organized into categories. As time goes on, some notes will end up in multiple categories.

Each category has its own page, but they are also all embedded in this page, so you can Ctrl+F or scroll to find things.
I've also started keeping a Shared Notes Changelog so you can see what has been most recently updated.

I am making the best effort I can to maintain archives of these pages on the Wayback Machine, Ghostarchive, and Archive.today, in case https://share.note.sx disappears. (Note: Due to inconsistency in availability and functionality, these archives will always be somewhat out of date.)

(I am currently in danger of becoming homeless. If you can spare a few dollars, it would help a lot. PayPal.me/Guard13007)

Shared Notes on Futurism:



Shared Notes on Gaming:



Game Development

  • Cult of Done: A manifesto on rapid iteration to make sure things actually get done.
    • Finishing a Game: Specific advice for game development, and how to actually finish a game.
  • Fleet Mechanics: A world-building / design note based on a video about ship types and classification.
  • FTL Drives: An old design note coming up with mechanics and names for FTL travel.
  • Human Body Elemental Makeup: Mainly I just find this interesting, but for developing a somewhat realistic game managing people, it may be important as well.
  • Lazy Devs' Game Ideas Notebook: A large list of ideas and thoughts primarily spurred by watching Lazy Devs' video: My Game Idea Notebook.
  • Misc. Ideas: A git repo of random ideas that is very disorganized.
  • Rocket Engine Design: Very incomplete and small compilation of notes on how rocket engines are designed.
  • Selling PICO-8 Games: Notes based on Lazy Devs' experience in selling games developed with PICO-8.

Game Playing


Shared Notes on Science:



  • Improving Focus: Brief notes on how to improve focus (mostly through recognizing its limits and meditating to improve capability).
  • Minimalism: The aspects and goals of different forms of minimalism.
  • Taking Breaks: When and how to take breaks.

Shared Notes on Vehicle Maintenance:

Vehicle Maintenance

Vehicle Maintenance

  • Diagnosing P0128: How to diagnose an engine code caused by a coolant problem.
  • Engine Valve Adjustment: Research notes on engine valve adjustment. It is currently unclear to me.
  • Motorcycle Oil Filters: Research notes. Primary takeaway is that as long as you follow maintenance intervals, and the filter fits properly, it's fine.
  • Selecting Good Jack Stands: How to make sure you are getting a good jack stand. (They vary more in cost than they do in quality.)

Shared Notes on Writing:



Shared Notes, Uncategorized:



Due to an issue with Shared Notes, I have to keep a note with all MathJax glyphs used in other notes uploaded in its own place. That note is Shared Notes In-Use LaTeX Glyphs. Open if you wanna look at a lot of equations. ;P

Share Note for Obsidian 🌓