Plugin List

Yes, I use all of them.

  • Theme Changes
  • Workflow Essentials

  1. Add underline(<u>xxx</u>) with shortcut, and <center>xxx</center>, [[#xxx]], [[#^xxx]]↩︎
  2. This is an Obsidian plugin to toggle between lowercase UPPERCASE and Title Case↩︎
  3. A (companion) plugin to facilitate the extraction of text from images (OCR) and PDFs.↩︎
  4. Improved table navigation, formatting, manipulation, and formulas↩︎
  5. Customize your workspace by adding commands everywhere, create Macros and supercharge your mobile toolbar.↩︎
  6. Complex data views for the data-obsessed.↩︎
  7. Show syntax highlighing in code blocks the editor↩︎
  8. The Obsidian Editing Toolbar is modified from cmenu, which provides more powerful customization settings and has many built-in editing commands to be a MS Word-like toolbar editing experience.↩︎
  9. A browser-like search tab for your local files.↩︎
  10. Plain text accounting↩︎
  11. Create simple callouts in lists.↩︎
  12. This Plugin provides a simple Editor for Markdown, HTML and Colors and in addition a command interface. The command interface facilitate a faster workflow.↩︎
  13. Know when installed plugins have updates and evaluate the risk of upgrading↩︎
  14. Create/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes↩︎
  15. Paste URL "into" selected text.↩︎
  16. An implementation of party.js for Obsidian. Create confetti, sparkles and even custom effects in your notes!↩︎
  17. A search engine that just works↩︎
  18. Quickly add new pages or content to your vault.↩︎
  19. Globally search settings in↩︎
  20. Offers controls for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables.↩︎
  21. Converts quotes to curly quotes, dashes to em dashes, and periods to ellipses↩︎
  22. Add hotkeys to insert specific templates↩︎
  23. Provides a calendar and a timeline of the notes creation and modification↩︎
  24. This plugin returns the current weather from OpenWeather in a configurable string format.↩︎
  25. Finds what you are looking for in the selected text and replaces it with the specified text↩︎
  26. Adds Properties to multiple notes at once. Either right-click a folder, or select multiple notes and right-click the selection.↩︎
  27. Find and replace text using regular expressions.↩︎
  28. Slurps webpages and saves them as clean, uncluttered Markdown.↩︎
  29. Advanced modes for Obsidian URI↩︎
  30. The most Obsidian-native PDF annotation tool ever.↩︎
  31. Lets you rearrange and hide specific status bar elements.↩︎
  32. Update your Discord Status to show your friends what you are working on in Obsidian. With Discord Rich Presence.↩︎
  33. Add icons to anything you desire in Obsidian, including files, folders, and text.↩︎
  34. Navigate between sequential daily notes with ease.↩︎
  35. Carry over incomplete todos from Daily Notes grouped by headers, with support for nesting and flexible todo states.↩︎
  36. Creates an embeddable gallery based on selected page contents.↩︎
  37. Open a specified note, canvas, or workspace on startup, or set it for quick access later.↩︎
  38. Rename, merge, toggle, and search tags from the tag pane↩︎
  39. Hide and pin files and folders in the file explorer using custom filters, such as wildcards and regex, based on their names, paths, and tags. Additionally, achieve the same with a single click in the file menu.↩︎
  40. Adds additional x-callback-url endpoints to the app for common actions — it's a clean, super-charged addition to Obsidian URI.↩︎
  41. Click a folder node to show a note describing the folder.↩︎
  42. Add customizable toolbars to your notes.↩︎
  43. This is a floating Toc plugin that hovers a table of content containing a header level on the notes sidebar.↩︎
  44. Focus file explorer on chosen folder and its files and subdirectories, while hiding all the other elements.↩︎
  45. Interactive maps inside your notes↩︎
  46. A day planner with clean UI and readable syntax↩︎
  47. Edit CSS files within Obsidian.↩︎
  48. Create tabs in your notes.↩︎
  49. Add a sidebar view for comments and highlights.↩︎
  50. Transform the Page Preview hover popover into a fully working editor instance↩︎
  51. Easily generate dynamic content maps in your folder notes using waypoints. Enables folders to show up in the graph view and removes the need for messy tags!↩︎
  52. Easily install a beta version of a plugin for testing.↩︎
  53. Reminder plugin for Obsidian. This plugin adds feature to manage TODOs with reminder.↩︎
  54. Search and replace in all vault files↩︎
  55. Instantly share a note, with the full theme and content exactly like you see in Reading View. Data is shared encrypted by default, and only you and the person you send it to have the key.↩︎
  56. Implements automatic marking of abbreviations and acronyms (terminology).↩︎
  57. Perform file explorer operations (and see your current file path) from the title bar, using the mouse or keyboard↩︎
  58. Create Buttons in your Obsidian notes to run commands, open links, and insert templates↩︎
  59. A plugin that turns web apps into panes using iframes with custom styling. Also comes with presets for Google Keep, Todoist and more.↩︎
  60. Surf the Net in Obsidian.↩︎
  61. Collapse sidebars when clicking on the editor/viewer panel↩︎
  62. Automatically collapses subfolders when a parent folder is collapsed↩︎
  63. Automatically hides the sidebars when your window is resized to be narrower↩︎
  64. Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian.↩︎
  65. Fight the forgetting curve by reviewing flashcards & entire notes.↩︎
  66. All-in-one journaling toolkit.↩︎
  67. A zero setup masonry image gallery for Obsidian↩︎
  68. Share the enabled plugins in list/table format.↩︎
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