This Free Plugin Turns Your Obsidian Notes Into Sharable Webpages

Sharing notes and insights from Obsidian can be a challenge, especially when you're looking for a simple way to share your work without sacrificing the look and feel of your notes. Fortunately, there's a solution that can simplify this process significantly: Share Note.

Why You Should Use Share Note to Share Your Obsidian Notes

Obsidian is a fantastic tool for personal knowledge management. It offers a robust environment to build your second brain. However, its strength in personal use can be a limitation when it comes to sharing your notes with others.

Sure, you could send the .md file to the person. However, the issue is that none of my classmates are familiar with .md files. They wouldn't know how to open or use it. It means I'd have to provide instructions on how to use it, causing inconvenience for both me and the person I'm sharing with. And let’s not forget the inconsistent formatting—your well-designed Obsidian notes will look entirely different on another person's device, depending on the markdown editor they're using.

While Obsidian Publish offers a comprehensive solution by allowing you to publish your entire vault or selected notes as a website, it's not exactly a budget-friendly option for those who only need to share a single note occasionally. Setting up a full website just to share a single piece of information feels like overkill.

That’s where Share Note comes in—a free Obsidian plugin that makes sharing notes a breeze. This plugin allows you to convert your Obsidian notes into shareable web pages with minimal effort.

Use Share Note to Instantly Share Obsidian Notes

Share Note hosts your notes online with the click of a button. No complex setup or programming is required. All you need to do is install and enable it. The installation process is similar to adding any Obsidian plugin:

  1. Open your Obsidian Vault’s settings.
  2. Navigate to Community Plugins and click Browse.
  3. Search for Share Note.
  4. Click Install and then Enable.

That's all it takes to set up the plugin! You are now ready to host your notes online for seamless sharing. Here's how:

  1. Right-click the note you want to share.
  2. Select Copy Shared Link.
  3. A new browser tab will open as Share Note initializes.
  4. Allow the prompt to open Obsidian. This step will only be necessary once.
  5. Share Note will upload your note and provide a notification once it’s complete.
  6. Copy the shareable link and share it!

Note Share will now upload the note. Once it's done, you'll get a tiny notification, and the note will have a properties header showing the sharing status.

If your note has lots of images or embeds, it might take a little longer for the link to be ready, as Share Note will need to handle these elements.

The shared note will look almost exactly like it does in your Obsidian vault, with the same formatting and themes. Share Note is entirely free, and the notes you share won’t expire—they’ll stay accessible until you decide to delete them.

Manage Your Shared Obsidian Notes

If you need to update or remove a note, you can re-upload it by clicking the upload icon in the note's properties header or delete it by using the trash bin icon.

You can customize your sharing experience by visiting your vault's settings and finding the Note Share section. Here, you can change the sharing theme, disable encryption (which will make the link shorter but less secure), or set up self-hosting if you want to share notes on your own domain.

Share Note offers a straightforward and effective way to share your Obsidian notes. It saves you from the hassle of complicated setups and ensures your notes look just how you want them to when shared.

Share Note for Obsidian 🌓