Improvements for Linux Desktop Applications

Basic Information


QoL = Quality of Life


This document is to note down ideas and issues for and with applications to be reported to their developers.

Structural Ideas

Note-Taking & To-Do

Calendar Sync (Use Calendar Storage)

Description: Sync tasks in Task Applications with the inbuilt system Calendar


  • Tasks can be synchronized with any calendar synchronization tool
  • Choice of multiple applications to read and manage calendar entries


  • Limited formatting due to plain text storage of description

Video Rendering, (Re)Compression, Transcoding

Software to analyze any video by all aspects which influence decisions to be made fo transcoding (including audio).

  • Audio: Quality Requirements → Target Encoding & Quality Settings
  • Still Scenes → Drop Similar Frames
  • Variable Frame Rate → Blacklisting: Only omit in cases where it can't be used.
  • Unused Video Areas: Cut or Split Video into Parts.
  • Reduce or Change Color Space?
  • Get Rid of Noise
  • Quality Improvements: Speckles, Interlacing,


  • Guide with Workflow Graphics.
  • Startup Tips like in LibreOffice.

Feature Suggestions

  • Native Global Search (with instant - search functionality like in tabs)
  • High - Performance Database - Backend for more efficient data handling.
  • Connect to DB running on a server. Preferably MariaDB.
  • Change local DB type to Sqlite & more.

Content Interface for other Applications


  • API which exposes database content to other applications.
  • Sync to Disk - Functionality (already implemented).
  • Virtual Filesystem Interface (VFI) ~ provide content as files on disk but make them virtual rather than actually storing them. Great way to create an adapter for synchronization, text applications and indexing of contents.

The Virtual Filesystem Interface might not be easy to implement on Windows ~ but it's an implementation which opens up for a ton of possibilities to integrate CopyQ into one's workflow & system. It can be implemented as an additionall service which runs alongside the main application (just like the clipboard monitor service).

Main Application


  • Allow the User to minimize


  • Change from hardcoded to parsed or make only the very basic functions hardcoded.

  • Index Settings & make them searchable.

  • Selected Items -> Open with...


  • Show inbuilt & system - wide commands separately.


  • Autoscroll tablist on drag & drop of clipboard entries.

Adaptive UI

Since CopyQ can handle a lot of different data types, it should also be able to

  1. One Style for All Tabs (default)
  2. Define Styles based on Datatype - and choose how CopyQ should display them:
    • One Style per Tab. Set by:
      • The First Item within the Tab.
      • The Datatype Most Occuring in the Tab.
    • Mixed Styles in each Tab¹ - based on the content.
  3. Tab Style Overrides (set a style that overrides other settings for a specific tab)


  • Add Description to Tabs (displayed on mousehover)

Glitches & Bugs

  • Entry no 10 text padding is misaligned.
  • Save Documents on the fly (as you go)
  • Add Function to enable/disable autostart entries by triggering X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled= to true or false

KDE - Connect

Direct Sync → Synchronize individual Files & Folders between Devices. KDE - Connect watches selected Files & Folders for Changes and transmits the changed data to the other Device.
Instant Sync → LiveStream Direct Sync Content Changes to the other device(s).

Use Cases:

  • Synchronization for Documents that are being worked on.
  • Automatic Backup of Configuration.
  • Automatic Mirroring of (Media) Content like Images, Photos, Music, Videos, Books, etc.


  • Many Times Files of Screenshots are Optically Corrupted (they are technically valid files but the contents are full of noise).

QoL - Improvements

  • Fast Mode also Changes the Speed of Node Placement & Destruction.
  • Entity Highlighting like in Minecraft (F3 + B).
  • Display Mapblock Intersections like in Minecraft's visible Chunk Borders (for easier locating of blocks).


  • automatically pickup items


Feature: add single items of item stacks with the mouse wheel

  • partially move item stacks in both ways (add & subtract)
  • cottages:pitchfork is broken: dug hay on ground has light level 0; duplicates dirt
  • Suggestion: Use punch instead of dig (don't dig block, just punch it) & don't spawn hay on top (just put it into player inv)
  • Hyperloop Elevator Box
  • Open Elevator Menu also by clicking on the box's outsides

Mods -> TechAge

Construction Board

  • TA3: Oil Age → Liquids → TA4 Pipe


  • Filling a Fluid (different from the one in before) into an Empty Tank using handheld storage (i.e. a Barrel) doesn't work (the Tank needs to be re-placed).

Trowel Tool

Tube Concentrators

  • Don't connect directly to other units (optically).

TA4 Injector

  • Ignores Chest Pre-Assignment in Pull Mode.

TA3 Pipe Wall Entry acts like gravel instead of concrete.

TA3 Furnace: Space to activate & deactivate doesn't work.

Improvements & Ideas

Crafting Guide

  • Sieved Gravel & Sieved Basalt Gravel have no recipes.


  • Shift-Clicking Items into TA4 Chests should put them according to the Pre-Assignment!


  • I wish there would be an upgraded version which can stay in the air automatically - and move arbitrarily.


  • Setting Pipe Concentrators with SHIFT + CLICK Should Align their Output Side to the Players Face.

Distributors & Laser Blocks

  • Make them Rotateable!

TechAge Trowel

  • Add Support for ALL Types of Transport Components (like Tubes, Pipes & Wires).

    That'd be very great to do more clean buildings - and safer ones too.

Sorting Tube

  • Used for efficient Storage Systems & Production Item Sorting.
  • Accepts Items from All Sides.
  • Can output up to

TA5 Teleport Block Items

  • Accept input from non-TechAge machinery (i.e. hopper)

Ideas (New Things)

Converter (Item Recycling)

Takes input & directly converts it to new things - depending on what the input is made of.

Meridium Harnish

To Really Shine when you're Doing TechAge Things ;)

Random Resource Source (Items & Liquids or Fluids)

Block that can be configured to output any kind of Resource - either ordered or completely random. The flow rate can also be configured.
This Tool is considered for testing the performance of machine constructions in creative mode.

Repairer (name from Recycler)

The Repairer is similar to the Recycler. But instead of taking things apart, it fixes damaged, worn or broken things.
It takes some resources in order to do that. Like Steel, TA1 Iron, Carbon Fiber, Tin, Copper, Stone & others.

TechAge 5

Integrated Storage Systems

Storage System which can Build Itself like the Collider Detector Core.


  • Expandable (put new Storage Units into the Service Menu & Select where they should be built).
  • Interactive Inventory:
    • Sorting is No Longer Needed! This Storage Solution accepts all kinds of Items and automatically arranges them like the Crafting Book / Creative Inventory.
    • It can also sort the Menu View & Has a Search Field.
  • Control Input & Output Flow Rate.
  • Input & Output via TA - Tubes.
  • Controllable via commands:
    • Statistics (contents, flow rate, …)

Carbon Purifier (Diamond Maker)

This machine can make Diamonds by pressurizing Carbon Fiber to the point where it solidifies into industrial grade Diamonds.
This takes huge amounts of energy and time.


Optical Mismatches

Item Mismatches (Inventory)

These are Items that should look different because they mismatch with the look of other Items in their Category.

  • Aluminium has a square image and thus looks very off compared to all other ingots & items. Maybe design it like TA4 Ceramic if it shouldn't look like regular ingots.
  • TA1 Hammer look very stylish & are high-res while the rest is like the default. This makes them look like they're from some texturepack.
  • TA4 Coal Fiber could look more plastic. So that it isn't square and you can see 3D fibers.
  • TA5 Fusion Reactor Magnet Slug has no plasticity while it's 100% plastic.

Functional Mismatches

Item Mismatches (Inventory)

These are Items which have misleading imagery not properly resembling their function.

  • (TA4) Ele Power Source is an Infinite Power Source for Creative - NOT a Battery! I Suggest renaming it to Electrical Power Source (Creative).

Logical Mismatches

Unbreakable Things (By Hand)

Things that are not breakable using the hand.

  • Regular Tubes (both TA2 & TA4)

Mods -> Signs Bot


  • Config slots actually store items. Configured items are lost when the robot box is removed.
  • TechAge Machinery doesn't respect slot configurations.
  • Shift - Clicking from player inventory doesn't respect slot configurations & doesn't work if item doesn't match first slot's config.
  • Bot doesn't charge sometimes (needs to be started & stopped to start charging).

QoL - Improvements

  • Add Labels to the Command Sign section »Help«
  • Insert commands activated in Help section @ cursor position
  • Change charge level bar color when charging.
  • Display charge level in percent when hovering over the bar (Display: Charging 37% OR Charge Level 37%)


  • Add the Blue Mailboxes.
  • Add Mailbox Description.
  • Add Timestamps to Donation Entries.

QoL - Improvements

  • Auto pickup items.
  • Save and Star Searches → to be able to quickly reopen them without letting them run again

Feature Improvements

  • Drag & Drop directly onto tabs (move/copy to according folder)

New Features

Obsidian Tour (Interactive Introduction Guide)

  • Ask for Basic User Preferences:
    • Light/Dark Theme preference
    • Automatic Updates
    • Use of Community Plugins

Main Interface

Horizontal Scrolling everywhere (File Explorer, )

Editing View


  • Locations with search results as lines in scrollbar.



  • Restore Previous Session (default)

Feature Improvements Webmail

Entire Website


  • Wildcard support
  • exclude Search terms (-term)
  • Mouseover info
    This features could be activated in settings.

Small Stuff

  • schedule emails (send at specific time hh:mm)
  • Transform Tab »Help« (top bar) into click/mousehover menu with following items:
    • help
    • support chat
      This way users are able to directly ask quick questions.

Better Search

Search - Field (Email - Section)

  • Add »Advanced Search« Entry in »Search modifiers« drop-down
  • Rename »Search modifiers« into »Search modifiers & Advanced Search«
  • Entry leads to new site which redirects to search result view (result entries)

Better Attachment Management

Idea: Use email in Nextcloud and add attachments as links.

  • !discarded !merge Transform Tab »Attachments« (top bar) into click/mousehover menu with following items:
    • Attachments (search, manage, delete Attachments)
    • File Browser ()

Attachments - Section

  • Transform »Attachmetns« Section into a file store (manage stored files for the entire account)
    • upload, download, delete, batch actions (Desktop: menu, Mobile: bottom bar (disappears while scrolling))
    • dynamic loading
    • sorting: time, filename, filetype,
    • Layout
      • Top Bar:
        • Quick Search Buttons (w. opt. mouseover): Videos, Images, Documents
          Inputs search term in search field, Sets folder to Inbox (default), Sets time to »All time«.
          Mouseover-Menu: Select Folder.

        • Search Bar: Search Field w. search Button (right), Location (Entire Account, Folders), Timespan From (including »All time«) & To (optional), Filetype (w. subsections for individual filetypes, including option »Other« -> spawns input field for to enter file ending)

        • View Menu: Compact List (default), Simple List, Grid (w. thumbnails)

          Defaults: Entire Account, Entire Time, All Filetypes
          Timespan Field: drop-down w. subsections Year -> Month -> Day | each entry can be selected - allowing precision from Year to Day

  • access to file store in attachment section (with possibility to upload, download & delete files)

Compose - Window

  • Attachment area is a dynamic search field which suggests files in a drop-down while typing.
    • This prevents storing the same file multiple times.
  • New files can be uploaded with the »Attach a File« - button.
  • If a file already exists, a dialogue appears (A file with the same name already exists. -> Actions: overwrite, skip, keep both)
  • Files can be managed with the »Manage Files« - button (opens Attachment - Section in new window).


  • Individual replies for each email alias.
  • Conditional replies (on Subject, Sender, Message Content, etc.)


Organize Direct Message Chats more effective!

The Chatlist in Telegram is okay for few DM's - but with a growing number of Chats, it get's messy rather quickly!
A mixture of channels, groups & DM's of many sorts.
Folders can be a good solution to sort Groups, Channels and access Bot chats - for DM's however, they provide very little
are a rather time consuming tool which is not straight-forward.

But there's one thing that exists since a long time: Contact Groups
They offer several advantages:
-» They can be used by any application on the phone.
-» One contact can be assigned to multiple groups.
-» Setting groups for a contact is a one-time transaction which takes only a few taps.

For Telegram there could be several solutions for different use cases:
-» A filter to show only contacts from the selected group(s).
-» An option to display Groups like Folders.
-» Configurable entries which can contain several groups.

I make groups not only for categories but also locations.
That way I can assign where someone is (a city, for example), his or her status (friend, family, coworker, acquaintances), things we experienced together (being in an apprenticeship, trip, holiday, …), projects, interest groups, etc. …
This simple thing brings lots of possibilities and flexibility.

Order DM's by Contact Groups
Sync Contact Groups with Phone Contacts
Set if the "My Contacts" - Settings Option includes All Contacts or only selected Contact Group(s)
Select Contact Groups in Folder Settings and every other Chat Selection Menu


Current Version: 2.11.5


  • Batch Upscale → allow for both multiple Files and multiple AI's
    • When Batch Upscale is activated → Select Folder OR File → When a File is selected instead of a Folder → Menu transforms into Drop-Down with Checkboxes to check all Models that are to be used.
  • Set Preview Slider Rotation → Rotate the Preview Slider so that the inspection can be done at different angles.
  • Set Slider Width → Make the Slider into a Bar with set width to allow for a striped Lens.
  • Invert Slider → Let the Slider cover Everything except the Bar Area set before.
  • Settings → Add Button to Clear the Logs.
  • Settings → Move Image Compression Slider below Output Filetype Selection.
  • Separate Settings


  • No Message if Target Image exists already (the conversion popup just flickers up and nothing happens).


  • On close Window with opened workspace (works fine when no workspace selected)


Idea => Tab - Setting: Set URL to be loaded when the tab is activated.
Goal => Have Tabs for specific tasks which always start with the same URL (like banking, email through webmailer, etc.)

  • Command: Load Mobile Page Versions
  • Add more example command chains: Save Data, Save Power, Performance Mode, Enter Focus Mode (toogle UI & fullscreen)
  • Bookmarks: Setting: Search Trash
  • Bookmarks: Undo & Redo
  • Saved Sessions:


Challenge: Sessions in Saved Sessions don't actually get deleted. New Files in the Sessions Folder don't appear in the UI.
Suggestion: Include Metadata in Saved Sessions and add a button to rescan the folder.


  • Mailto Links don't open in Vivaldi Mail if another Mailto Handler is registered in Settings

Bugs & Missing Features in Tabs Horizontal Scrolling Feature

  • Bug: Enabling Horizontal Scrolling while Tab Stacking is set to Compact sometimes causes Tabs to be shifted upwards (see Screenshot). | Workaround: Set Tab Stacking to another Setting and back to Compact.
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