Vivaldi Profile Cleanup Guide



This Guide addresses the following Scenarios:

  • Important User Data Backup
  • Importing of User Data into a Profile
  • Profile Cleanup from Unused Data ~ and hopefully Optimization
  • Fixing Profile Issues ~ Corruption, Data Loss, Manually made Mistakes, etc.

Please Note that while this Guide or Parts of it Might work for other Webbrowsers ~ Blindly following it without Proper Research might lead to Data Loss, Corruption or other Issues.
Vivaldi's Internals have become Vastly Different from the ones of Chromium ~ the Project Vivaldi derived from.


This Guide is a WIP!

  • This is the Beginning of this Guide!
  • It is in no way complete or usable as of now.
  • Content will be added as my Knowledge grows, as I have the time to add it ~ and as You Contribute to it 🌷
  • I'm aware that there is an extensive Forum Post on the Vivaldi Forum on the topic. I will use that post ~ But, this Guide is supposed to be way more verbose & straightforward!

Contributions are Very Welcome ❤️

Vivaldi Profile Folder Entities to be checked or cleared on Application Misbehaviour.


…for categorizing entries.

  • #cache -> automatically downloaded; can safely be discarded
  • #empty -> holds no information; can safely be discarded


  • AdBlockRules ->
  • AutofillStrikeDatabase ->
  • blob_storage ->
  • BudgetDatabase ->
  • chrome_cart_db ->
  • commerce_subscription_db ->
  • coupon_db ->
  • databases ->
  • DawnCache ->
  • discounts_db ->
  • DNR Extension Rules ->
  • Download Service ->
  • Extension Rules ->
  • Extensions ->
  • Extension Scripts ->
  • Extension State ->
  • Feature Engagement Tracker ->
  • File System ->
  • GCM Store ->
  • GPUCache ->
  • IndexedDB ->
  • Local App Settings ->
  • Local Extension Settings ->
  • Local Storage ->
  • Mail ->
  • Managed Extension Settings ->
  • optimization_guide_hint_cache_store ->
  • optimization_guide_model_metadata_store ->
  • parcel_tracking_db ->
  • PersistentOriginTrials ->
  • Platform Notifications ->
  • Segmentation Platform ->
  • Service Worker ->
  • Sessions ->
  • Session Storage ->
  • Shared Dictionary ->
  • shared_proto_db ->
  • Site Characteristics Database ->
  • Storage ->
  • Sync App Settings ->
  • Sync Data ->
  • SyncedFiles ->
  • Sync Extension Settings ->
  • VideoDecodeStats ->
  • VivaldiThumbnails ->
  • Web Applications ->
  • WebStorage ->


  • .bak - ending means backup file.

  • AdBlockState ->

  • Affiliation Database ->

  • Affiliation Database-journal ->

  • Bookmarks ->

  • Calendar ->

  • Calendar-journal ->

  • Contacts ->

  • Contacts-journal ->

  • Cookies ->

  • Cookies-journal ->

  • DIPS ->

  • DIPS-journal ->

  • Extension Cookies ->

  • Extension Cookies-journal ->

  • Favicons ->

  • Favicons-journal ->

  • file_mapping.json ->

  • heavy_ad_intervention_opt_out.db ->

  • heavy_ad_intervention_opt_out.db-journal ->

  • History ->

  • History-journal ->

  • LOCK ->

  • LOG ->

  • LOG.old ->

  • Login Data ->

  • Login Data For Account ->

  • Login Data For Account-journal ->

  • Login Data-journal ->

  • MailDB ->

  • MailDB-journal ->

  • mainmenu.json ->

  • MediaDeviceSalts ->

  • MediaDeviceSalts-journal ->

  • Network Action Predictor ->

  • Network Action Predictor-journal ->

  • Network Persistent State ->

  • Notes ->

  • Preferences ->

  • PreferredApps ->

  • README ->

  • Reporting and NEL ->

  • Reporting and NEL-journal ->

  • Safe Browsing Cookies ->

  • Safe Browsing Cookies-journal ->

  • SCT Auditing Pending Reports ->

  • Secure Preferences ->

  • SharedStorage ->

  • Shortcuts ->

  • Top Sites ->

  • Top Sites-journal ->

  • Translate Ranker Model ->

  • TransportSecurity ->

  • trusted_vault.pb ->

  • Trust Tokens ->

  • Trust Tokens-journal ->

  • Visited Links ->

  • Web Data ->

  • Web Data-journal ->

  • ->

Share Note for Obsidian 🌓