The full FFmpeg Guide



This Guide is a complilation of Commands, Parameters, Knowledge and Experience
~ organized in a way so that you can quickly get the command you need to make ffmpeg do what you want.


Please Note that while this Guide aims for Usefulness & Completeness ~ Errors and Unexpected Behaviour can occur.
I therefore advise You: Do Proper Research & Make Regular Backups ~ Before you start.
Otherwise, your Actions might Lead to Data Loss, Corruption or other Issues.


This Guide is a WIP!

  • This is the Beginning of this Guide!
  • It's currently partly just content extracted from Forum Posts 😁
  • Afaik, all of it's Components are usable as of now.
  • Content will be added as my Knowledge grows, as I have the time to add it ~ and as You Contribute to it 🌷

Contributions are Very Welcome ❤️

Command Output Options

Level of Detail (LoD) of the Command Output.

-v [flags+]loglevel ~ Set logging level and flags used by the library.

  • level (flag) ~ add [level] prefix to each line.
  • quiet ~ show nothing at all; be silent.
  • fatal ~ errors after which the process absolutely cannot continue.
  • error ~ include errors which can be recovered from.
  • warning ~ include warnings.
  • info ~ informative messages during processing ~ default value.
  • verbose ~ same as "info", except more verbose.
  • debug ~ everything, including debugging information.
  • trace


Convert already exported Video to Dynamic Frame Rate & drop Similar Frames without re-encoding.

ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel warning -nostats -i <input> -vf mpdecimate -vsync vfr <output>


Message to Blob0

Privacy, Security & Productivity Talk Continuation

First I continued the answer I was about to send.

After that is some of my additional thougths. Just in case you find it interesting ;)

I ~ uhm ~ yeah I did wen't quite overboard with it.

So if you need inspiration for your projects ~ just imagine being with me in a voice call ^^

I don't use Google at all.

I mostly use DuckDuckGo (which offers better results for me anyway) which isn't perfect bc it runs on AWS - but there's Ecosia, Qwant, SearX, Featherlight, etc.

…and I can greatly limit the amount of data Amazon get's by being the service provider using VPN & controlling the metadata that is transferred.

My Phone is a Samsung Galaxy S8 which I debloated from ANYTHING I don't need. (I know this is rather "old" being from 2017 - but I had so many traumas with smartohones in the past that I want to have something that just works great and accompanies me for a long time. Because this device has a lot of important tasks to do.)

History: LG G4 (H815), SONY Xperia Z3, Huawei Honor (NEM-L51), Samsung Galaxy S5 mini (SM-G800F), Samsung Galaxy S8 (SM-G950F), Xiaomi Mi 11 lite (M2101K9AG), Second S8

The LG G4 was the best Phone I ever used. If it weren't defective, I'd probably still be using it.

So apart from radio services for calls, sms & mobile network - all frameworks from Google, Samsung & other thirdparties are GONE. Including default applications (with some exceptions of tracker - free default applications).

Except like 2-4, Every user application is either open source or even FLOSS (free libre open source software).

I can proudly say that you'd have never held a mobile (or even any) device in your hands with a nearly as good user & work experience. Not to mention performance, efficiency & stability. Only in terms of security & compactness I'll need to get a rooted ROM so I have full access & control over every aspect.

To manage the device, I use a very advanced tool called App Manager (from muntashir akon) which controlls the device via a locally applied loopback of ADB over TCP port 5555. This way I can pull & push backups straight from and to the data partition, uninstall system applications for the current user, set special permission flags for userland applications, etc.…

I hope that I will soon have the time to test custom ROM's, custom Recoveries¹ together with custom kernels & other stuff. Because with direct hardware access I might even be able to use my phone as an RF remote control.

Thinking of it, since it only has an IR LED, maybe I can use the iris scanner as an IR input to record remote codes etc.

But, to me, the most important possibilities with root access would be charge control, full fs access - and being able to write system config such as the hosts file to block network requests at firmware level. That's the most efficient & solid way of protecting data & device as well as software security after all. Everything below should be limited to hardware & microcode backdoors - which can't be dealt with easily anyways.

A note to WebBrowsers:

I used FF-based browsers for many years (Pale Moon² probably the longest) ~ but a few years ago, I discovered a Chromium based browser named Vivaldi.

And although I am fully aware that using and promoting a webbrowser based on Google's web standards & protocols further increases this company's power over the world wide web³ ~ there's simply no other product I know which comes even half way close to what Vivaldi can do ~ and with »do« I mean do without considerable loss of performance, stability, security, data integrity, etc.

Some of Vivaldi's most notable features include WebPage Tiling, Workspaces, Sessions, QR-Generator, E-Mail, Calendar, Contacts, RSS, Notes, Tasks, Translate, SidePanel with custom WebPanels, Custom UI CSS & js, Reader Mode, Quick Commands, Command Chains, Page rendering Switches, Clocks, Alarms, Break Mode, Themes with custom Icons & corner radius, Sync, …

One reason it scales so well is because of dynamic content prefetching, loading, unloading and freezing. The best thing is that the user can both manually and automatically hibernate & reload tabs ~ completely ondemand.

I don't know about performance on Windows, but on an Arch Linux based Distro on a Intel® Core™ i5-6300HQ @2,4GHz with 4 cores ~ the mail client which is purely js is incredibly fast & efficient. Processing 3600 emails took about 450ms (client & server side deletion).

If you didn't notice it along the lines already: I really like indexed content handling & automation. Be it search or managing almost any kind of information or data, my goal is to automate any recurring task so I can invest my precious time into doing actual work which provides real world value ~ both for me and others.

Both my Phone & Desktop run Search-Based Launchers which support fuzzy search & include a real-time calculator.

Search Results include Installed & Available Applications, Settings, Power Commands, Wheater Locations, Clocks, Calendars & Entries, Contacts, Files & Folders, Messages, Unicode Characters & Emoji.

To summarize: You can practically search any applications content wich shares it's data via the Launcher's API's.

Vivaldi has a Quick Commands feature which is practically a "launcher" for all browser related functions & user content.


Since the server shut down before I saved it, I lost parts of what I wrote… …and had to write it again.


Thankfully I only lost a few sentences ~ because whenever I write something, I copy the text at regular intervals so it get's saved by my systems Clipboard Manager (CopyQ).

Whenever I want to create a backup, save something for later, or make quickly searchable notes ~ I just copy whatever I want to save ~ it then get's processed by the automatic scripts which can fetch additional information from the web, convert it, move it to a specific tab, add metadata, start applications, run commands, etc.

Wondering why I invest the time to write all this?

I reuse it /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

¹ Is the spelling right?

² Pale Moon is a fork of FF v.27 which is independently developed in Germany. It is still a native webbrowser which has one process for everything. It is free of both bloated and insecure frameworks and security hardened.

³ Namely the ability to dictate the direction of almost ANY aspect of the web technologies that are used throughout the web (protocols, formats, techniques, librarys, frontends, etc.). Btw: Google already won the race to transform the www into a world that woks better with their own products than anyone else's ~ namely the Chrome & Chromium based Webbrowsers.
Stream #0:2 -> #0:1 (pcm_dvd (native) -> ac3 (native))

These attempts hide `Stream`, but also hide the progress bar (because it never reaches `egrep`, because of `\r` instead of `\n`?):

`stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 ( ffmpeg … 2>&1 ) | grep -v Stream`

`unbuffer ffmpeg … | unbuffer grep -v Stream`

Replace grep with something inherently unbuffered?  
`sed -u /Stream/d` hides the progress bar, too.

Related: [](

Really complicated possible approach: [](

- [ffmpeg]( "show questions tagged 'ffmpeg'")
- [pipe]( "show questions tagged 'pipe'")
- [buffer]( "show questions tagged 'buffer'")
- [stderr]( "show questions tagged 'stderr'")
- [progress-bar]( "show questions tagged 'progress-bar'")

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asked Jan 10, 2021 at 23:17


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[Camille Goudeseune](

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## 2 Answers

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ffmpeg -v quiet -stats -i out.mp4

No need to use `-hide_banner` flag.

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answered Jan 30, 2022 at 16:52


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- The banner is apparently considered to be `info`, because it is hidden by `-v warning` or any quieter level, and it appears when `-v info` or any noisier level. The manpage doesn't mention this, though. Good find! 
    – [Camille Goudeseune]( "2,471 reputation")
     Jan 31, 2022 at 17:59

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Lower loglevel to `warning`/`24` but hide banner and expressly enable stats.

ffmpeg -hide_banner -v warning -stats -i out.mp4

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answered Jan 11, 2021 at 4:53
Share Note for Obsidian 🌓