Desktop System Optimization → Task List


This List notes Improvements on GNU/Linux Operating Systems I want to achieve.
Entry is Checked => I Found or Created a Solution.

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GUI System Level

System Audio


  • Multiple Audio Systems: PulseAudio, PipeWire Alsa, Jack, …

  • Quickly assign Applications to specific Output & Input Devices.

    • Suggestion: GNOME Extension
  • Quickly change Volume Levels for Each Application & Audio Stream.

    • Suggestion: GNOME Extension

URI/URL - Handling

  • Recreate the Opening Mechanism like it is on Android ~ for Everything that triggers an Event to open an Application.
    • Suggestion: GNOME Extension OR Native Application which registers itself as the Default for Everything you want it to Interrupt on.
    • Current Solution: For Links there's a Tool Called Junction which pops up and lets you choose the Application to open. It also allows you to Register New Applications for the Selection Menu.

OS System Level

Kernel (Base) System Level

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